Love Poem: It All Ended One Day
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Written by: Ronald Bingham

It All Ended One Day

Today the house stands all alone, 
    A mere forgotten structure of wood and stone.
It once was a dwelling of laughter and love,
    Their love seemed to fit like a tailor made glove.
Then one day it all ended it just wasn’t there,
     Two broken hearts spiraling in different ways seemed so unfair.
Neither one had the answer it simply had died,
    As they sat at the kitchen table, they both broke down and cried.
A love that was unwaving it was tempered and strong.
    But somewhere lay a flaw that was like a consuming cancer eating right along.
The love of drink proved to be his Achellis heel.
     When he would drink he would lose all passion and forget the tenderness 
and how it would feel.
She tried to tell him but her words couldn’t penetrate when he came home like 
    He would get belligerent demanding the simplest of gifts a warm tender kiss.
As she would cry into the night knowing it must stop and asking the Lord to make 
it right.
    It steadily got worse until she couldn’t take it any longer she was tired of the 
While he was at work one day she simply packed all her belongings and left she 
just couldn't stay.
    To start a new life it didn’t matter where just far away.
She left a note that read, please don’t look for me as I’m not coming back, I’ve 
gone away.
    I just thank God it was only me and you involved is all she had to say.
No one knows what ever happened to either of them again,
    He packed up his old car and was last seen heading south on interstate-10.
Where once was a beautiful lawn is now covered with weeds.
    Because of one persons refusal to admit he needed help this was what he 
reaped from those long ago planted seeds.
If you love someone and they love you back,
    It involves working together to keep it on track.
When you commit to sharing a life,
    Know what is involved before becoming husband and wife.