Love Poem: Is It You
Dean Masciarelli Avatar
Written by: Dean Masciarelli

Is It You

Is it you

Written by Dean Masciarelli

February 7, 2010 (6:26pm)

There isn't a day that goes by
that I don’t ask myself
when that day will come

When I can actually say

Is it you

Because if it is you

I want you to know that I have 
waited all my life
to say these precious words to you

And when that time does arrive

And I know that it is you

I would ask you

If you were the soul mate 
of my dreams 

Or is this just another 
passing moment 
of wishful thinking

Am I day dreaming
or can it truly be you

But I do know 
one thing for sure

If and when that 
time does arrive

I know that you will fill 
my heart 
with an abundance of love 

As I will with you

Because I have waited 
all my life for this 
moment to take place

So that I can share 
all of my love with you

And hopefully some 
day when all 
my dreams come true

I will be able to feel 
the beauty of your 
heart beating next to mine

Because I wouldn’t
just be 
dreaming any more

Because I would 
finally have you

Is it you

Because if it is you

Then you would truly
have filled my heart
with an overwhelming joy 

And that would be the time  

When I would honestly be 
able to say
these precious words to you

I love you

Because I would finally be blessed
beyond my dreams in every way with you

Because I would finally know 
that you weren't just a dream

But instead you were 
a dream come true

And when that day does arrive
which I know it will some day

I will know in my heart

That the time has come to 
share every day with you

And it would mean everything and more to me
to know that the rest of our lives 
would be filled with so much joy and  happiness

Because of the love that we 
would be able to share together

Because it would be 
an absolute miracle

That actually came true

Is it you

Because if it is you
all of  my prayers
will have been answered

Because the Lord will
have blessed me with you

By bringing the soul mate
of my dreams into my life 

Is it you 

Or am I just 
day dreaming again

And still waiting for the 
soul mate of my dreams 

To make all of my dreams come true