Love Poem: Is Friendship Just a Delusional Fiction
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Written by: Brian Johnston

Is Friendship Just a Delusional Fiction

Is Friendship Just a Delusional Fiction?
Is friendship a lifeboat that floats on convenience? Can we all divorce who we like with a gesture that’s less than a wave on a looking glass seascape, ignore too, the wreckage of dreams that waves scuttle, consigned to obscurity absent a tombstone, now fodder for lies (Christ’s saints still love their brothers)? Man’s ‘truth’ proves flawed compass and ‘sin’ haunts earth’s wheelhouse, as Science fills mainsails, God’s Ark laps Truth’s oceans! Some fools think strict planning’s the pearl of all notions, the wisest of husbands intimidates frail spouse, views women and children just chattel that bothers, like friends (a close second) whose wild seeds they’ve not sown. Control is the issue; dictators aren’t subtle (a friend who’s not under your thumb can’t be shipshape)! Yes, freedom and friendship’s an unhealthy mixture for all the enslaved must kowtow to your brilliance. Lord, let me own friends who own freedom to doubt me, who own I’ve the freedom to doubt them in concert, (our music still blends as soul’s melody’s fragrance, impinges on Hearing, a flavored denouement), find women and men friends who love I write poems that skip on mind’s pond like a pebble, or stone-like, touch depths that no rhyme’s plumbed, just God’s Love could meter, source undersea landslide of epic proportion. May God bless my humor though few think I’m funny; send rain to help cool me though I’m a weak convert! Invisible, God does not dote on appearance, His Grace for the sinner’s a sign of rapprochement though few may see me to have worth His Grace welcomes. Should Love a God offers be harsh as the Third Reich? Provisioned for life, what world could be sweeter? Not friending who friends you, Love’s close to abortion. Brian Johnston 26th of January in 2021