Love Poem: Invasion of Dreamland
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Written by: Shivon Mejias

Invasion of Dreamland


How is it that you still invade my dreams and stir up such feelings of desire?
Motives reproachful for me you had yet subconsciously suppressed you are'nt
Not a thought for you during waking hours is given yet my dreams you haunt by 
your presence 
Yearnings for you exist even if only on subliminal levels
One AM I turn in my sleep and the dream rushes to memory as vivid as reality
I am a slave to this pen and pad no sleep will be attained if these events go 
Truly blessed I am for this gift of creativity; grateful am I for my ability to express 
even my darkest emotions beautifully
Off to the land where no lies can be told...
Off to the land where one’s deepest wants are expressed... 
Pride and shy hold no existence here...
Focus on the most wanted desires before landing there and maybe, just maybe, 
you will experience them
Welcome to dreamland...

Written By Shivon Mejias