Love Poem: Into This Night For My Love I Went
Keith O.J. Hunt Avatar
Written by: Keith O.J. Hunt

Into This Night For My Love I Went

Into this night for my love I went,
  for all its splendor and lush wines,
  and majestic tapestries that unfold;
  velvet sheens, sheets soft with each other...
  the world is lost to her heart held near,
  and the breath of her curious kisses...
It is this moon silver-rayed I pledge ---
  without her I cannot walk this world naked,
  raped of who I am ---
  but a thing to serve her,
  lest I roam this desolate landscape as a prodding ghost;
  a great fever of torrid emptiness...
  what is this which grips me?
  an ancient enemy ---
  but my friend it bestows a fearful kiss;
  between the twain I cannot choose...

Do I trust to give this heart of mine,
  into an untrustful night?
To lay all that I am at her feet? ---
  what a fragile flower my heart does sing ---
  wondrous things,
  though wild I do not know ---
  that which I love,
  fruitless ---
  I am less a thing than love,
  but does my heart tell me so?

She ---
  the greatest good,
  for it is without mine own love,
  she does give;
  that which none shall fulfill,
  I tear into this night,
  and its dark ---
  fearful of being unafraid,
  will it stay my doubt ---
  my heart for her to hold?

Into this night for my love I went,
  what comes, I do not know,
  what prevails in thine song of love for me ---
  for you my love I go,
  even unto the shadow of things
  (I need you so)
  what comes I do not know,

Into this night for my love I went...