Love Poem: Insomniac's Bedtime Prayer
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Written by: Jessica Vh

Insomniac's Bedtime Prayer

I wait for 5 am in the flickering dusk,
Before the daylight is even relieved.

The last time I slept with someone beside,
I lay waiting for her to leave.

For me, things are no longer as they seem;
The minute I made it, I abandoned the dream.
I reach
For what makes me something you wouldn’t believe.

I told her she could leave her keys
In the door when she left.
I told her promises weren’t meant to be kept.
That the sacred should be ravaged and laughed at in death.

I told her she could wring out all of the nights when she slept,
In my arms as I wept—
I drove into my skin until everything was bled.

In a superfluous world, I have found nothing yet.

I am damaged beyond what anyone can see;
She said that she could only blame me. 

I told her my life wasn’t meant to be complete,
That there is a wound from which all meaning had seeped.
I would pray that my soul was mine to keep,

Had I not died already,
Waiting for sleep.