Love Poem: Insomnia Sonogram
Sander Wolff Avatar
Written by: Sander Wolff

Insomnia Sonogram

agape gave grave to age
bent not to burdens born
cleave verily the leaves of life
distilled stilled styled reviled
entry net try and try
filigree reeds figure loosely
grave gave the age to rage
humble bled humid muddle
insomnia sonogram moss grass 
jubilant talent bilious slant
koan known now shown
lilting quilting tinged with gilding
mellifluous flows of metal filings
nervously reverse obtuse nouns
opulent lute plants ting
preening terns plead for flight
quatrains track rain tacks
remote restless rustlers rust
still lilting laughter silenced 
until nettle salve unwinds
valves self-seal veil sails 
wishes she eschews clothes 
xoxoxox the ox loves my ex
yew we way away my yes
z in me sees z in you