Love Poem: Inside Secerts
Leonard Taormina Avatar
Written by: Leonard Taormina

Inside Secerts

My other girl, God the way she makes me feel.
               It comes on slow when I touch and explore with her.
               my hand runs up and down her neck
               soon a melody comes that makes my heads reel.

               then there's that point of unknowing where what could be
               and what was, goes beyond everything I think I am.
               them I'm someone I've always considered but seldom find
              and never thought I could see.

              A music fills the air with a melody of our very own
              it's like tapping into a world of mystery
              out of nowhere we seemed joined in unison.
              there's a force that I've dreamed of but seldom known.

             I laugh outloud with the pleasures of fun
            I realize I'm not ugly when I'm with her, I'm pretty.
           She makes me more than the sum of what I appear to be.
           I know somehow I will never leave her, we are one.

          She's not realy a woman or a girl but she takes me away.
          She seems to fit so well in my hands when I'm with her.
          She's my instrament of escape into the world of the unnamed
          she's my love and with her I express the secerts of my days.

