Love Poem: Inside Me You the Soothe Bearer
Mahtab Bangalee Avatar
Written by: Mahtab Bangalee

Inside Me You the Soothe Bearer

the cynosure of the crystal night sky,
convergent to your unrivaled beauty
from far on the ground
the beauty I cannot count

I to me- a fresh skeleton of hackneyed ashes
barren field of all love,
grey yard of the cut grains straw
the bitterness of Amarone wine,
sprite of poetry and phantom of prose

see I all yours but in lures,
still seeing I'm,
crying life all to infinity,
decaying with infliction pithy,
you and my love are eternal,
perpetual all fraction in point of gaiety.
warm of heart feeling dazzling the shrine of love,
beneath your caring tears my imperishable entity,
I am seeking you,
horizon after horizon,
my love tours consciously to finding you not as alien,
calls in all of you and your caring

in the pinnacle of desire,
I sow my loving seed,
here every green leaf for you,
every root which you do not see,
where I pour my love philter,
every sough touches your fairness love with the belonging of one,
here every leaf oscillates as a sign of your greetings,
I see all my love into my sphere,
I find my soothe in you, inside me you the soothe bearer 

- Sunday, July 14, 2019 Chattogram