Love Poem: In the Quietness of My Silence
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Written by: Martha Malloy

In the Quietness of My Silence

All by myself again; alone with my thoughts that are dancing forward and 
backwards in my mind of things and events of the past-mistakes I have made; 
regrets, decisions favorable; unfavorable; joys, sorrows, pains, and hurts-
wondering how my life might have been different If.......................

Oh! What futile ness in the quietness of my silence! What's the use in looking 
back though? What can I change? What's done is done! And so.........
Of the wrongs, I repent; I turn; I leave it behind! I change my posture; I shake off 
the shackles; I press forward to move on to the greater, the more enhanceable-
that which will lead me to a more prosperous, happier, rewarding place and 
space in time--

To a life in the present that is worthwhile and fulfilling.  A life of love, peace,  joy 
and genuine happiness. A life where every need is met in abunance with whole 
baskets left over to share with others who are in need; and my desires are 
granted in immeasurable quantities according to the Creator's perfect will and 
purpose for my life.

The present where I am whole in spirit, mind, and body; in thought, word, and 
deed; a place where all things are made to work together for my complete and 
ultimate good; a place where love rules and reigns without dissimulation; a 
place of no pretense, no guile, and no deceit; a place of power, of wisdom and a 
sound, sober mind, uninhibited by foreign, outside agents that create a psuedo-
sense of genuine sublimity; a place of perpetual ecstacy-a life of bliss. A life of 
balance. A life of truly living not just existing; not merely surviving but a life of more 
than enough. A life of no lack. A life of increase spiritually, mentally, physically 
and financially elevated to the maximum power of ten to the tenth power-----

Thus making my future bright, sensational, successful and dominated with and 
in immeasurable blessings that make me and others around me rich, adding no 
sorrow with it, for I am blessed and blessed indeed so that I might be a blessing 
and a blessing indeed to others to the Glory of All Mighty God.