Love Poem: In the Eyes of a Six-Year Old

In the Eyes of a Six-Year Old

travelling in a train - an overnight journey,
my mother, my sister, me, and my father.
my father had an interview with a prestigious company, 
received a first-class ticket for himself, but we didn't! 
he exchanged the ticket with a complete stranger, and got into the same compartment with us.
but didn't have a seat for himself. ignored his own suffering...nothing unusual for a man who bravely bore the burden of an uprooted family, devastated by partition of their motherland! 

chilly wintry midnight, each and every passenger under thick blankets, sleeping heavily, 
I heard... boom..boom...boom! 
sound of the wheels hitting the railway track - crossing the bridge of river Kaveri! 
that booming sound startled me, made me open my eyes, 
and I found my exhausted father standing in front of me, alone - awfully sleepy, 
holding an iron-bar for support, 
eyes half-closed, all night! 
somehow managed to find a comfortable space for us! 
to a six-year old, 
that was the moment she wondered - 
who was more kind - God, or Her Father!

Reference: Kaveri is a river in the southern part of India.