Love Poem: In the Blink of An Eye

In the Blink of An Eye

'in the blink of an eye" the camera lense inside my eye decided to take flight upon an adventurous love affair intending to ignite while in the midst of viewing landscapes beautiful symmetry capturing on eternal film every earthly mystery. in Rome , the Trevi Fountain intoxicates by bell enticing fond admirers to cast coins in wishing well while gondolas in Venice charm romantic lovers ride upon blue azure waterways where gentle breezes abide. feeling incredible power of Mount Vesuvious volcano inhaling cathedral windows in Padua with classic staino motor boat sking on white crested waves of the Amalfi Coast treasured sights of Italy, to tourists, plays great host. my lense kidnaps a winery in Tuscany's grape vineyard absorbing growing vines of fruit in softly blowing windward toasting wine is an Italian custom of friendly greeting ingesting sights so breathtaking invigorates heart beating. journeying to Positano Harbor for cool boat races snapping photos vigrously as challengers heighten their paces a lovely paradise exists on Florence steamy sandy beach as twilight horizon canopy glows as pretty as ripe peach. in the blink of an eye the mind hides memories of travel forever encased inside the lense protected from unravel a treasure chest of cherished moments envisioned with deep sigh a fabulous adventure preserved within the blink of an eye. *For SandyIvy's Viewing Life Through Camera Lenses Contest. *Nov. 13, 2012.