Love Poem: In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame of the Beauty's Breath - a Collaboration With Susan Ashley
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Written by: Robert Lindley

In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame of the Beauty's Breath - a Collaboration With Susan Ashley

In Soft Glowing Mistress Flame Of The Beauty's Breath 
- a collaboration with Susan Ashley

In soft glowing mistress flame of thy beauty's breath
your heart swears purest love even unto its death
with future treasures that our great love will provide
our romance, more powerful than storm's surging tide.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see 
Than this gift of love, thy heart given unto me.

Our meeting that first night, with bright moon gasping down
you and your fantastic smile, in that dark blue gown
an air of true-born grace as you laughed in your dance  
myself in rapt awe of our new-budding romance.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see
Than this gift of mirth, thy smile given unto me.

Year later and we have fore-sworn our lives to wed
in love's deepest promise unto we are both dead
such a bounty I could have never dared to ask 
for in your presence this soul begs more time to bask.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see
Than this gift of bliss, thy joy given unto me.

Our fervor both the rushing waves and placid seas
together riding gusty winds to balmy breeze
to rise and fall unfurling wild desires and dreams
and revel in our wedded lives entwining seams.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see
Than this gift of love, thy zest given unto me. 

Enchanted is our rollick with enraptured time
we whirl on beats in sync since chapel bells did chime 
a life without each other seems so long ago
as hungers’ honeyed sweetness lulls in afterglow.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see
Than this gift of vows, thy pledge given unto me.

Pleasures wander mazes thrilled with wanton wonder
heart to heart together drum a song of thunder
a roar that crosses vast expanse of cumulus
the lightning of our passion ever luminous.

My dearest, nothing more precious that I can see
Than this gift of love, thy heart given unto me.

Robert Lindley and Susan Ashley

(a collaboration)  ,  March 19, 2021

Poem Of The Day 
Sunday, March 21, 2021

Special note:  It is truly a great and blessed honor for me to share in the wonderful recognition of Poem Of The Day with my magnificently talented and so very truly inspiring collaborator, my dear friend, Susan Ashley!!

Susan, thank you for accepting my invitation and for the great pleasure of my collaborating with you! Tis most definitely a wonderful gift and fantastic journey each time we compose together!

My God bless us both, in our continued friendship, and poetic paths and our future collaborations…
Congratulations, my very dear friend, Susan.""

Poet’s note: 
My dear friend, Susan this has again been an honor and indeed a magnificent pleasure to compose with a poet of your stature, creativity, finesse and immense artistic abilities.  Such is now,  as before,  always a treasured experience and truly an inspirational one as well. Poetic fellowship being indeed a jewel to be sought, savored and  experienced as a blessing in ones poetry journey. 
Thank you for your great friendship, kindness and poetic fellowship my friend! God bless always.