Love Poem: In Search of Love

In Search of Love

You thought love could be found
laying around,
common as morning sunshine
Meeting easy beach smiles,
awash in waves of fun times
But the cool crest of day attraction
never swept away your surfing heart
Seeking risky queen of club action,
you soon realized 
those late-night diamond divas cut hard
The pain made you so afraid
to go looking any further for love
You let the fear of internal bleeding 
keep you from being more romantic curious
But an empty heart,
to be happy,
has to be filled up
So how far are you willing to go
in search of love?
How far ... how far,
how far are you willing to go?
Do you have the strength of heart
to reach the far end of the rainbow?
How far are you willing to go
in search of love?
Wallowing in a waterbed of tears,
afraid of being hurt again
Rejection got you gun shy
from feeling another smoking romance
Hot is the burning fire of love,
pure passion sparked by a caught glance
It’s got your heart racing once again,
this time you believe hope is gonna win
And you’re willing to go as far
as it takes to reach love,
even to the edge of heaven
Your happy heart do show
just how far you were willing to go
in search of love
How far ... how far,
how far you were willing to go
You now have the strength of heart
to reach the far end of the rainbow