Love Poem: In My Bicameral Home
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

In My Bicameral Home

In my universal-Left and unitarian-Right bicameral home
"crazy" has two functions,
ballistic weapon Left
aimed Right at Other,
ballast Right
anchoring EgoSelf within EcoOther.

when that begins with "you are"
dispossesses nutritional powers of functionality
with dire political and economic consequences
of appropriate fear and anger,
even hatred for this Word itself.

"Crazy" ballast
begins with "I am"
and "we all are,
or could be,
or have been;"
a synonym for "Wild."

"Wildness" hunts a dipolar antonym
for "domesticated"
like difference and sameness
of wild yeast
with domestic yeast.

a Left-dominant economist's 
overly reductive
and enthusiastic synonym
for "commodified,"
even "exegeticalized"
or "orthodoxed"
as true, and good and rational, and just,
found to function
with quantifiable domesticated values
for efficiency and effectiveness,
especially for continuing 
our Win-Lose Left-brain dominating cultural game.

But, dear co-economists,
co-domestic politicians,
eco-logists, one and all inclusive
discerning languaged tribe of "crazy",
what has become domesticated
remains primally as wild as RNA's encryption,
syntax exegetically balancing regenerative harmonics

Nature's ecosystemic-logic
will only permaculturally allow,
and polyculturally love,
decompose from past and for future 
Wild's balancing regenerational outcomes;
you know, healthy kids, children, offspring, 
new regenerating eggs from old degenerating domestic nests.

Earth's Tribes are wild crazy universal,
despite DNA's uniting co-gravitating empathy
and regeneratively cooperative economic understory
of perma-enculturing phylogenic intent,
iconic whole-development language,
deductive(Left)/inductive(Right) orthopraxis,
Left-Right co-arising hemispheric ego/ecotherapy,
balancing Wild-Rational-integrative eco-full 
biconceptual dipolar [reverse co-relational] consciousness.

If Wild is not Universalist
then our political economics
could not evolve Domestic Unitarian.

Earth Rights
include rights to evolve dipolar balancing Wild-consciousness,
bilateral images,
polypathic imagination,
biconceptual form with function,
incarnating co-operating ministrations,
co-redemptive information,
appositionally balancing intelligence,
Zero-Soul timelessly TransParenting
reflective/reflexive Tree of Life Greets Death
Bodhisattva Rooted,

+/(-,-) [plus OVER bi-laterally negative self-bound logic as positive-inductive co-operating form/function/flow/frequency]
tri-temporal yangspace/not-not linear binomial yintime.

binary balance)
Prime-Binary Gaming 
Concentric BiNomial Equivalence.

In My home
"crazy" evolves three functions:
One, to see who is winning (and when and where and hopefully why),
Two, to hear who is losing (when and where and hopefully why),
Three, to decompose this losing wildness
into its imaged dipolar opposite,
to co-mentor eco-wins thru EgoDeath's
Plan B with A WinWin.

You heard it here
but I heard it first
way back in UU history.

Bilateral Zeroism as prime function
goes back at least to Bucky Fuller,
and One could be no more Plan B Universalist than he;
and he would be offended
if his UU cooperative co-creators
could not hear his "synergy" as Unitarian-istic "love"

And self/other wildly self-optimizing regenerative design
and permaculturally economic Tao-cooperative 

Co-arising Left-Right healthy ecopolitical 
regenerative development.