Love Poem: In Loving Memory
Eva Powers Avatar
Written by: Eva Powers

In Loving Memory

He remebered the fall. That was it. But this was unfamiliar. A room of pure white, 
so beautifully eerie, a ripple of joy spread to his fingertips. And then an angel was 
in front of him. He knew it only because of her majestic beauty and stunning 
glow. There was no questioning what she was. She spoke to him in voice that 
remined him of liquid gold. "you have a choice to make," she sang. "you may 
come home to your father with me or you may stay with your family here on earth. 
If you choose to stay, things will be difficult. Your family will suffer the pain of 
seeing your empty eyes and lose hope. You will not recognize the ones you love 
and you will have trouble adjusting to the unfamiliar life you once had." He knew 
what she was trying to tell him. He knew what he had to choose, but the pain of 
leaving his family held his answer on his tounge. "please," he whispered to the 
angel. " Please... let me say goodbye. That's all I ask." She looked him in the eye 
with her shocking eyes and smiled. Her face blurred as he melted into a new 
room and she was gone. The new room was small and very sad. The he sensed 
the sorrow as if he could smell it. He suddenly realized that he was in a hospital 
room. a room that he had faced many times in his life. In the center of the room 
he saw a small bed. All around the bed he saw people so unbearably distraught, 
he didn't even recognize them. And then with a shock, he discovered that this 
was his family. His friends. And every single person that he held dear to his 
heart. The bed held his own body, lifeless except for the steady rise and fall of his 
chest. slowly he understood. It was his time to say goodbye. he took a step 
closer stopping right behind his parents. Their tearful faces looked down at the 
boy in the bed with anxiety, as if they were waiting for him to wake. "I will not 
wake" he told them. they did not move and he was already aware that they did not 
here nor see him. "I won't open my eyes because Im dreaming. Im dreaming of 
you, and I know that if I open my eyes, you will be gone. I'm sorry but i will never 
stop dreaming of you. He turned around to find that the angel was waiting 
patiently behind him. "Come home," she said quietly and raised out a hand to 
take his own. with one last glance at his family he whispered, "I love you," and 
slid his hand into the soft skin of the angels. the white light again surouded him 
and a warm wind traveled through him bringing him upword and on his way 