Love Poem: In Love's Eyes

In Love's Eyes

In the midst of Love's eyes
I saw, ignorance,
Of the fact that mine and his fate
Are entwined by starry dust!

In the depth of Love's eyes
I saw, an ambient world,
Where angels and fairies
Enjoy themselves
To the extent as bringing me
To believe that, like them,
I can do things that humans can't!

In the center of Love's eyes,
I wish to seed a cherry plant
So that it blossoms into exquisitiveness
Sparkling with as much passion that rules
Us both!

In the whirlpool of Love's eyes
I saw myself,
As being one so vulnerable,
Frail, naked, 
Having to face the torrid glare of
Intimate warmth
As it dances to the beats of mystical flutes!

In the soul of Love's eyes
I saw the Future, as shall be given by Death
Death being but the womb through which shall be reborn
Somewhere both Love and I have forgotten
Yet, somewhere where both Love and I
Are much awaited!

Why, in Love's eyes
There can be only love and nothing else
In Love's eyes
Do I wish to swim
As nymphs do, in the rivers of life!

12th May 2018