Love Poem: In Love With Someone Else
Chaney Short Avatar
Written by: Chaney Short

In Love With Someone Else

I'm sorry you had to find out this way
I'm sorry your heart has to pay
I really didn't mean for this to happen it just did
I really like you I swear I do
But it's something about this boy that's in my school
I really like him and to be honest I don't even know why
He's not even my type
He's notthing compare to you
But when I see him I see pass his flaws
His bad hair cut
His big nose
And that big head
Instead I see him
I see someone behide that mask
I see a man
I don't even know how it got like this
At first we called each other friend
We laughed and joked
I really didn't mean for this to happen
It's just one of those things that you can't ingnore
I know you loved me
And by you being out of school has notthing to do with it
I dont even no why I like this guy
I can see his soul when I look into his eyes
I didn't mean to break your heart
Honestly I didn't
But I have to let you know that 
I'm in love with someone else
He's everything I was looking for in a man
Not only is he my boyfriend, he's also my bestfriend
He's my lover when I need him to be
He's my brother when I need him to comfront me
I'm sorry things had to end this way 
And If i had to change it back
I would keep this day
Because I'm in love