Love Poem: In Love Forever

In Love Forever

~*~ It was with just a glance and we fell in love, Our hearts touched and that was it; I could literally hear the angels singing above, Wondering, wishing, should I invite him to sit. It had started an ordinary winter day, I had gone for a walk, now I was penning a story; Writing in my journal a poem, I was swept away, I didn't know that I would find my own eternity. It was a small café that I sat quietly writing, He hesitated and sat and it was love at first sight; Peaking at what I had penned, he was soon reading, From that day, we were one, day and night. He asked me to marry him on Valentines Day, We planned and waited one blissful wonderful year; On February 14, we married, that day will always stay, It was God's will, he must go, now but an angel near. Our love darling will never, ever grow cold, Even when this girl is frail and wrinkled old. ___________________________ January 28, 2016 Poetry/Rhyme/In Love Forever Copyright Protected, ID 16-749-924-0 All Rights Reserved. Written under Pseudonym. For the contest, Our Year In Love Sponsor, Olive Eloisa Guillermo Fourth Place