Love Poem: In Her Reflection I Am Poetry
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Written by: Silent One

In Her Reflection I Am Poetry

Mind will always dream,
eyes will endlessly gaze,
lips will remain impatient.

Although, I've not met her,
the heart is a battleground
of anguish and angst.
Its cries, seeking the serenity
of her secret sanctuary.

Hope ascends to tranquil heavens.
Twilight's baptism, blends
merigold into fading blue horizons
with sparkling amethysts hues.

Oh my beautiful beloved,
come to me with your comforting arms,
like soothing stars, shepherding
the nebulous night sky.

Destiny can deceive,
sometimes a friend, sometimes a foe,
but, we search for the blessings,
through each trial and tribulation.

For, she is the silence,
between heart beats -
who's name rests upon 
tense tips of the tongue.

In the discrepancy of distance,
love's appetite lingers in lament -
yearning for our lips to merge.

Yet the night is an unfinished symphony.
Idyllic lyrics craving to pour,
upon an incomplete song sheet.

Without her, 
Silent One's muse is mute.

I am not a poet,
But in her reflection -
I am poetry.

Simple Musing
Silent One
1 August 2020