Love Poem: In Dreams, Her Spirit Sallied Forth: With Robert Lindley
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Written by: Lin Lane

In Dreams, Her Spirit Sallied Forth: With Robert Lindley

Through frigid months, she waited for Spring rains
to give relief and ease heartbroken pains,
Nature will award that which Life commands
placing her true love, in its gentle hands.
O'sweet promise of passion's fine delights,
candlelight dinners and intimate nights.

With eager dreams her spirit sallied forth.
Away from winter's chill, in the far North.

Countless, were the eventides spent in dread
Praying he'd stay safe 'fore lying abed
She wished on stars in darkened Winter skies
as tears pooled in her melancholy eyes
Arctic winds blustered; through tall pines they'd blow,
layers of oceans, in white waves of snow

In Wintry dreams, her spirit sallied forth.
Away from winter's chill, of the far North.

Pictures sent from her beau, her Southern man
whose dashing looks, deep blue eyes and bronzed tan,
had her heart remembering their first kiss
Without regret, love said, "Hold onto this!"
To wake with dawn's sweet warmth, upon her face
would ease her sorrow and heartache erase.

In ardent dreams, her spirit sallied forth.
Beyond the frosty chill of the far North.

She brushed her hair, raven tresses fell
Her firelight shadow evidenced the swell
Softly, she hummed, cradling her unborn child
A motherly instinct that brought forth a smile
Having a babe, they had both long revered
That he'd be back in time, she deeply feared.

With anxious dreams, her spirit sallied forth.
Further from winter's chill of the far North.

She was haunted by his voice in a dream
and awoke with the sound of her own scream
Rain, her companion, on an April morn
Pains let her know their child would soon be born
Alone, she prayed that she'd know what to do
In the door strode a man; eyes of deep blue.

No longer a dream, her man had come forth
To deliver their child in the far North.

Thank you for opening the door to me for this write, Robert.  It began on a cold Winter night, but Spring rains brought with it, a new beginning. Writing with you is like opening a treasure chest of beautiful gemstones.