Love Poem: In Another Time
David Smith Avatar
Written by: David Smith

In Another Time

In another time, I will not be there for you,
Me, a stranger all but twice your age and a man.
The only one in the sea of all humanity that you could see
To help you keep your sanity
And give you back some faith so you could dare to hope once more.

With courage fading fast,
Your young lady's troubles you laid in the lap of a stranger
And a man all but twice your age.
The desperation in both voice and eyes,
Your faith in me, your last hope standing,
All cried out to me to show some kind of humanity.

With the one who helped get you in this state plotting,
And conspiring with those who gave you life, to pressure you
To desecrate your womb and burden you with all the guilt.
I did the least a stranger and a man all but twice your age could do, 
By looking up a phone book  to find someone at the local hospital,
With more Knowledge than me,
Someone not a stranger to the needs of a young lady all but half my age,
To better free you from any guilt or shame, no matter what your decision.

I am still glad I was there for you.
But in another time where the soul in humanity,
Will be but a whisper away,
I will not be there for you. 
It will be someone with no need to shy away from giving you that
Hug I withheld from you.

I  found out later that you still had issues and hope was all but gone.
That hug I withheld from you now an indictment on society in this time

I still weep for you and the hole in humanity.