Love Poem: In a world where the secretive shawl of night descends slowly
Dan Enache Avatar
Written by: Dan Enache

In a world where the secretive shawl of night descends slowly

In a world where the secretive shawl of night descends slowly,
And the sun, bashful, has retreated, incandescent wholly,
Imagine that in the celestial veil, tender you enfold me,
And I, like a leaf in the wind, let your desire to stream through me, freely.
Your arms, like two seas gathering me into their swell,
Carry me to undefined realms where you reign, and I, just as well.
Tremors of comets piercing the purity of spaces between stars,
Ignite heavenly flames, that grow, that burn, in the heart of night, as ours.
I feel how your arms, once unsure, now wrapped in strength's shroud,
Begin to dance, their fatigue crushed under the fervent heat, unbowed,
Until, weary from the terrible, wonderful meandering of longing,
They rest, white lilies, across the contour of my body, the lilac seas belonging.
The love that we've woven together to be everlasting,
Spills like a tranquil river into a dream silhouette, enticing, outcasting.
And you, upon this river of passionate adoration, are the captivating captain,
With me, your vessel of crystal, caught in the immensity of this floral explosion to happen.
Oh, my body, which you traverse as an old map filled with promise,
Where every whisper is an island, every touch, a pervasive river, honest.
Both explorers of this strange and delicate land,
We rise together, dragons with butterfly wings, over the night garden at hand.
And in the pearlescent glow of the stars that twinkle subtly,
We rest, two beings stretched across the infinite carpet of the universe, mutely,
Where countless galaxies weave the music of the spheres with quivering tone,
And my sigh, in accord with your silence, becomes prayer, becomes a song shown.