Love Poem: Imprint of God

Imprint of God

The hand of God touched my soul
I can do nothing without Him

Nature reveals His tenderness
Just as it does His wrath

Beyond all human comprehension
His love flows down from heaven above

Who reaches up for it and receives His love?
I watch and wait for any sign of Him 

My heart hungers for the day when I can be at His feet
Knowing my pain and suffering is over and peace reigns over all

His brilliance fills heaven and His love covers all 
What a merciful, yet jealous God we have

Jesus spent His life on earth showing us His Father 
He has shown us the measure of His love, the power of His anger

The depth of His compassion and mercy
And the fury of His wrath

I have seen the Hand of God work in my life
By the bruises He has healed and the tears He has collected

I have forever on my life
The Imprint of God