Love Poem: Imogene
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Written by: Robert Horton



     where are you sleeping? 
Perhaps I should 
     ask no more, 
I'll concern myself 
     with nothing 
And nothing 
     I am grateful for. 
I imagine you 
     knitting smiles
Out of the threads 
     of what we were,
Perhaps, one day, 
     I'll wear the gown 
And your nakedness 
     will be in there.
Imogene, do you, too, 
     think of me? 
Maybe your thoughts 
     are too pure, 
     I would have loved you 
If it were not for the 
     jealousy I endure.
I remember 
     how you kissed me 
Upon my 
     lovelorn brow, 
Perhaps, in time, 
     that love will die
And to your memory 
     I will then bow. 
Imogene, can you ever 
     love me again? 
Damn! This is not 
     how's it's meant to be, 
My sentiments 
     have become poetic,
If not, 
     a little twee.
I will despise you today 
     as my nemesis 
In my futile attempt 
     at sorrow, 
Yet, wherever 
     you are sleeping 
I will love you 
     again tomorrow.