Love Poem: Immortal Love
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Written by: Glenn Marchand

Immortal Love

Tease, tempt and test, my love. And I shall react,
Reach and reign, my love. Give me guidance, lest
I wander, substituting lust for authenticity. 
Inscribe your insignia upon my soul. Lay claim to
Love, as if to sigh your last breath, for I’m 
Embedded in the substratum of your spirit. Thus, 
Spoil me with your matrix. Entice me with your 
Charms. And I shall titillate, tantalize, and satiate 
Your person, for mutual seduction is the art of 
Lovers, and we have loved since the days of 
Genesis. Thus, ours is immortal, my love, extant 
As an apocrypha, but hidden as the root of 
Eternity. Let manifest the fruits of love, for we are
Bonded as the pillars of a shelter, destined for love.