Love Poem: I'M Afraid
Sabahat  Batool Avatar
Written by: Sabahat Batool

I'M Afraid

I'm afraid O world of Verse! 
From hands of wilful callous death
It may be so that I may cease
Before I render thee my breath,

Thou stand and look at me in awe
With wonder in thy wild wild eyes
I am more saddest than thou art
In pain my painful soul heaves sighs

O may that with the hand of chance! 
I could paint thee on the leaves! 
O thou verses of the Eden! 
In my heart thou breathe and heave

O thou muffled face of Joy! 
O thou muffled face of love! 
O thou mystic laughing goddess! 
O thou silent peace , O dove! 

All of you in mist of winter
Far in Ocean, in hill yonder
Murmur, whisper, Mumble,shower, 
In the dewy hour of evening
In the morning rosy bower
Talk of candles, talk of summer
In the gales of scent and wonder

I'm in a dale of sorrow
In  the autumn leafy chamber
Muffled in the fog of time
Painted  face of Thee on water

O thou love, O bird of passage
I look at thee and I wonder
Thou are but a pain, a sorrow
That in hearts of people linger

Vanish thou , O peace and Joy
With The Love of world thou all
Words are Holy ,  Books are Holy
Holy is The love of Lord
Lingers it in hearts of ours
When vanish, vanish they all