Love Poem: I'M a Rose
Faaiqah Abader Avatar
Written by: Faaiqah Abader

I'M a Rose

I hate the way romance is lost
on the societies of today;
The ripple effect is a greater cost,
for love becomes a mere game to play.

No more flowers and dates,
just ice-cream and kisses;
No more endless debates,
just morning texts and late wishes.

The concept of courtship is re-defined,
and friendship boundaries blur;
To loyalty, common eyes are blind,
and yet hearts still claim intentions are pure.

What happened to the gentlemen who held the doors?
And the ladies that blushed at a glance?
From where comes the existence of playboys and whores?
People gambling with feelings and chance?

The world is so de-sensitised,
for this is now the norm;
Anything deeper becomes emphasised,
and stands out, for it doesn’t conform.

Old-fashioned is the given word,
for those who choose to wait;
Outrages stories become heard,
one-night stands to end a date.

Well, I won’t fall for cheap pick-up lines,
give me love letters to keep over time;
And I’m more drawn to the Shakespeare’s and Einstein’s,
than I am to the food-stains and grime.

I would find more joy in silence and holding hands,
than in empty kisses and meaningless words;
And better than a dinner worth hundreds of rands,
is a picnic outside, with the birds.

I’d rather gaze upon the stars at night,
and know my love is true;
Than dance in clubs till morning light,
and fear regret for what I might do.

A warning to those who look my way,
my heart will not be torn;
and if you’re looking for daisies, then walk away;
I’m a rose, do not bring out my thorn.