Love Poem: Ilion


To the one I see in a star
The brightest of them all and the 
Closest to my heart.

My Evening Star, sweet Ilion,
How you’ve helped me so.
You’ve healed me
And you’ve guided me,
But I’m afraid I must go.

For that one day is coming
So much sooner than I‘d like.
That one heart broken day where I will no longer see his
Beautiful blue eyes.

My Evening Star, so much loved, my
Star of Ilion.
I have but one request-
Take care of him when I’ve gone.

Ilion, he’s my life.
Precious Wolf Boy.
Nicodu Blue.
And when I move to that foreign place,
Give my heart to him
Because I leave it with you.

Ilion, my heart is his,
And it has been for awhile.
I just wish I could hold him,
To say I love him,
See him smile.

Take care of him, don’t leave his side,
Ilion listen to me!
Please just do this one request.
Please don’t leave him.
For me.

Ilion, you take care. How I’ll miss you so.
And remember, dear Evening, I will ALWAYS be there when the night sky is cold.
And when you miss me, let Nick know,
And you both can send me smiles.
I will always catch them, I promise,
And return them ten fold.

I love you, I’ll miss you.
Evening Star, sweet Ilion.
Remember to take care of Nick, but for now, I have to go.