Love Poem: If Love Was Meat, Milk and Fire

If Love Was Meat, Milk and Fire

If love was a meat
 could you wish to braai, 
or boil, or fry it? 

Could you put
 peace as spicy 
For good taste? 

Could you put fight 
And quarrel as your 
Made spices
For bad taste? 

If love was milk 
Could you wish
To drink it 
In the tavern
While seeing 

Could you wish 
To drink it 
At the beach 

Could you wish
 to drink it 
On a lovely golden 
Sofa with your ...
With your lover? 

If love was fire 
How could you 
Resist its heat? 

Facing it to gain? 
Challenging it to lose? 
Surrendering to it 
To be won? 

May 06 2023
By Alfonso Warally Ngengethe 
Mussabwa Chris