Love Poem: If I Were Your Love
Connie Pachecho Avatar
Written by: Connie Pachecho

If I Were Your Love

If I Were Your Love


Long ago we were in our twenties

We were a beautiful couple

Our life was gifted

And your father wrapped a house

Upon our marriage

And I thought the table was set 

However, there was no candlelight 

Or silverware between us

Only my eyes that teared 

And your cold heart, and promiscuity 

The puppy eyes that I adored turned into a wolf

Escaping, prowling, wandering

For you took that fork in the road

And dished to the other side

Our vows, our gifts, our future

You unwrapped in your new lover's lap

You ran, you ran, you ran

To the hillsides and to your greener pastures

For you found your sheep and wool

And though I was far away, I could hear your howl

Your call of the wild tore me to pieces

Then one day you came crawling back

Your eyes were like puppies

This time my eyes turned to wolves

I looked for the last time

And the words came out of my mouth

Like freeing doves racing from Hell 

"If I were your love I would never do what you did to me"

With my face not showing it, but my insides crying

I walked away

If I Were Your Love Poetry Contest
Sponsor-Mystic Rose Rose