Love Poem: If I Saw You Watching the Waterfall
Marty King Avatar
Written by: Marty King

If I Saw You Watching the Waterfall

if i saw you watching the waterfall
i was admire you from afar and not disturb your reverie
in life, what god intends does not always match dreams or wishful thinking
knowing this, i accept and never question Him
i appreciate our friendship as it is and as it is meant to be Through God's Eyes
i smile as you realize Your Worth after leaving him
while it is a doggone shame that he did not see you as the Queen that i have become so blessed to get to know
i admire and am inspired of how much you have flourished after the fact
i turn to leave as i get the last of my fill
as you turn around, our eyes meet for the smallest of seconds
my face hidden by the shade and the mask that a stony wall provides
you turn your head and continue to take all of the waterfall's vibe in
i take a sneaky mystery selfie and send it to my Sweets
faithfulness and knowing where Home and Love is guides me to her car that She is letting my borrow until mine gets fixed
i depart to go get my Sweets her favorite chicken cobb salad
God Smiles via the gently shining sun and gifts me with a safe drive Home