Love Poem: If Heaven Had a Phone

If Heaven Had a Phone

If Heaven had a phone
I would call it right 

To hear the laughter in your 
would help to ease the pain

If heaven had a phone 
I would call it right away 
if only to say I miss you 
each and every day.

When you were here on earth with me
my daddy, my best friend.
Teaching the important things life 
might bring my way.

I used to call you every day 
listening to your advice,
or just to say I love you 
before bed each night.

When the lord took you home with him
The one thing he forgot 
was that there was someone here on 
earth who needed you a lot

Some people say the pain will ease
but here on earth is 
one who knows
it never will subside.

If heaven had a phone 
I would call you right away
if only to say I love you 
each and every day.