Love Poem: I know prayers can't unbreak my heart I know wishes won't bring you back
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Written by: Michelle Morris

I know prayers can't unbreak my heart I know wishes won't bring you back

Written for a friend in mourning. Loss is a very personal thing. No one can grieve for you. No one can take away your pain or unbreak your heart. Only time, transmutation and healing can help. But nothing ever fixes things. The scar tissue just helps us a little bit whilst we try to survive and get by. 

Hopefully, in time, we are able to see the beauty in the Universe again. Please try to remember to look up at the stars. Hugs and love. 

I know prayers can't unbreak my heart
(I know wishes won't bring you back)
By Michelle Morris

Today I pretended to be human
Just like the days before
Despite my heart being trapped in a cage
And my soul beyond Earth having fallen

For the loss of you weighs me down
Deep into the darkest abyss
There where no Light shines
There where monsters lurk

So much grief swirls around that place
So many memories can drown in tears
And long before we know it
Our heartbreak has thorns we fear

Prickly and difficult to handle
The roses of love and hope having died
Round and round the thoughts go
What more we could've done when they were alive

But the past is the past for a reason
We can't turn back the hands of time 
And the future will never be golden
If we don't embrace the love in our lives

And still, I struggle with this every day 
Because at the moment I'm still pretending
I know that the choices are mine
And maybe in time I will comprehend it

But life is a gift to each of us
I know this deep down in my soul
But while my heart is still broken
It might take a long time until I'm whole

There'll always be scar tissue that aches
On those rainy days when we used to dance in the rain
And until we meet again
I'll work on transmuting my pain

I know prayers can't unbreak my heart
I know wishes won't bring you back
But I will remember you every day
I love and miss you stacks 

© Michelle Morris, 2023