Love Poem: I Don'T Want To Leave My Home - 2

I Don'T Want To Leave My Home - 2

I breathe the beginning of new life in the spring
I feel the gentle gift of life giving rain
I see the newborn Fawn standing on her own
I plant the seeds of my hunger, hues of Flowers, easy on the Eyes
The warmth of the Summer Sun, heats my heart and Soul
The soft summer rain splashes in the Gardens
The vegetables grow while Flowers rainbow the scenery
The gentle wind whispers with the melody of the songbirds
As the Hues of the leaves sparkle along the Landscape
As fall's sunsets rainbow the colorful sights below
As the Northwind slowly begins to show it's rage
As nature's creatures scurry to fill for winter's wrath
When the winter wind begins to howl barren trees stand tall
When the angery snow defiles Mother Nature's Beauty 
When the Ice shimmers upon the frozen lakes
When I look  I see the beauty of my life, my Home