Love Poem: Hey Linda What Did You Mean U Read It Cuz It Was Me So Could You Kindly Tell Me Who I Am
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Written by: Jeffry Cohan

Hey Linda What Did You Mean U Read It Cuz It Was Me So Could You Kindly Tell Me Who I Am

linda-----listen to Leonard Cohen any song on youtube.....puhhhhhh  leasssssse      
he'll make you feel as inadaaquate as he does me, betcha....i cannot listen to his 
words early  because i would never write another word during the day.....DO NOT let 
me know if he is or is not an unmitigated genius because I dig cliff hangars   your 
Saturday sought Snow and became a shawl for the entire northeast 
but for me it was heaven sent
The lights from the lounge reflected off the white wide world
And the evening’s festivities were akin to feathers blessed by flight
It was the final tune of that night so right
And then she mystically appeared, 
that evening’s gift to me
But no, ’twas music and dance no more for us that eve or evermore

For the band was on their symphonic way
And I did not inquire as to how I could touch her once again
So you see,
As seasons do disparate deeds April slay the snow………………
And as the ice and snow had done 
sorrowfully she was gone

Hours devoured days since I’d held her hand to dance
Alas when dreamed did I of her  
By what name wouldst she be summoned forth
Thusly I gave her many names
All mellifluent
All melodic
All floral
All names that claimed a soul serene

Each day I’d wonder why I lost that which would sustain me alone
No food, no drink, but ever do not wrench us two apart 
I  knew not the trail to her abode, 
on a street blessed by her presence
No way to see that sight of light and brightness for me to behold

The next week I was calling Saturday sadder day
Yet and still  a friend coaxed me into going where I had found the first sight of a 
lady who was the embodiment of love made mystic by the music’s end
Never to be continued

Someone opened the door to  the lounge
And the band was playing some kind of classical composition mixed with jazz
My eyes scanned the room that she might as I had, come there 
but for to meet me
And yes, there she was, and smiled sensually as she drew near
We both agreed that week had been a master with no heart
And still, for years we’ve danced to music that gave our love its most romantic 
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