Love Poem: Hallelujah Christ Arose

Hallelujah Christ Arose

Hallelujah Christ Arose

Heavenly hosts and angels with God sing.
Man, enlightened, living Truths, great joy brings.
Jesus Christ was strong; so, He came to earth.
Living to die a mortal death since birth.
Everlastingly outshining evil.
Loving all peoples and teaching the right,
Understanding God’s ways, He brought new light.
Inuring to us freedom from sins, blames.
A loving Savior, Jesus Christ sustains.
He pleased our Father and praised His name.
Charity was by His examples taught.
Heavenly Father, through Christ, mercy wrought.
Remembering Father and eternal loss.
Instead of self-love, He died on the cross.
Subjected to Satan, Christ overcame.
To earn back our lives, steady love remains.
Atonement for sin was paid on that hill. 
Reliving in heaven, He won God’s will.
Omnipotent love He gave us, forever.
So we could live in Heaven together.
Eternal death by God and faith, fettered.

© Dane Ann Smith-Johnsen
March 7th, 2010
Poetic form: Acrostic