Love Poem: For Spacious Time
Gerald Dillenbeck Avatar
Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

For Spacious Time

I need some natural,
spacious kinda time.
Where is nature in this time,
my time,
our time?

Perhaps nature is to time
as solid forms are to flowing recreation,
as body solidarity is to mind creativity,
as Yang is to Yin,
as Full-Blown Climaxing polycultural kinda natural jazzy space
enters permacultural swingin' revolutionary time,
bangin' and beatin' our hearts to ping,
minds to sing,
bodies take wing...

Where was I, again?
Well, never mind,
you can't go home again
in this multicultural space within permaculturing time.

Shout out to your sisters and your brothers
celebrating their multicultural Universalist space
balancing their RightBrain Co-Synergetic
Unitarian lusty kinda co-operative rhyming time.

Dubois soul sings Beloved Community
rhymes with Positive Integrity,
opposed by that nasty one "mendacity,"
a negative double-binding not yet not true,
our passive-aggressive cultural dissonance,
lack of cooperative resonance,
coupled with abject insolence,
when faced with Beloved Integrity
growing transgressively regenerative
revolutions of space in well-timed 
full-racing DNA prime.



Dubois begat integrity
as Nazareth, that nada nest,
begat love,
as Bucky begat synergy,
as Atlee begat co-intelligence,
as Permaculturally natural eco-logical designs and long-term plants
begat RNA's ubiquitous wisdom.


If justice is what love looks like in public
and tenderness is what love looks like in private,
I'd say we're lookin better on the privates of our face
than on the public beaten side of our race
through space
to trace
this RNA place
where eco-justice was most originally defined.

How much more RNA do you really think there could be
in white skin than in black?
And would you not say that RNA is our most omnipotent,
most omnipresent,
most ubiquitous space and time 
of intelligently regenerative design?

Yeah, I'm wid you,
I ain't neve' heard a no more DNA in The Dominant Left-Brained Man!
I jus' a dumb cooperative minded gay guy
who thinks you're playin' me,
and my playin' days is over!

Dr. West reminds,
transgenerational catastrophe is to reissuing problems
as torrential flooding is to dust in my cognitive dissonance eyes.
A chronically possessive culture
breeds a catastrophically dispossessive economy.
A competitive economy 
breeds a rabid lack of eco-logic.
Cancer cells always consider themselves chronic
unresolved issues;
never would think of ourselves as catastrophic,
because we're just so in love with that Positive Psychology
face in our monocultural mirror.

The darker subconscious will have her intuitional revolution day
as she does every night we dream of polycultures
and nightmare with co-operative strength
against monocultural monotheistic monopolistic monochromatic 
monomial universalism.

That's our Black Hole (0)womb from which our comprehensive consciousness evolved
enlightenment and light, 
and +/- (1) bipolar bright, 
and dipolar transparency,
as Father Time's Left Deductive 
gets it on with Mother Space's Right Inductive,

Discerning justice, 
loving spaces
for here-and-now time,
would best redeem this transparent moment
as co-investment for our co-operative future Time.

Balancing discernment is like learning to ride a bike,
once you get the knack of positive-deductive-left
greets negative co-inductive (double-bind knot,
and/or not) right,
with self-optimizing cooperative environmental momentum,
sufficient to sustain nature's well-tempered life,
the rest is just peddling,
day in and night out,
eventually decomposing dismount
into further co-prehensile consciousness of death reborn...

"naturally, organic, spacious kinda' time
rollin and weavin our narrative songs
sung in RNA's pre-digital key of UCAG...
swingin' as we"

why does breathing feel like floating and swimming inside?

and what was that thing called phantom limbs of consciousness?

Sing that song,
all day long!

Ooooh yeah!
Look at our cooperative nature
in this most polyculturing time.

I feel sublime.

Oh yeah,
thump to my hump,

Spacious skies.
Golden waves of yummy grain.
Ultra-violet mountain range of consciousness,
Earth's permaculturally fruitful plain.
Universe's co-operatively jazzy face.