Love Poem: Evening solitude

Evening solitude

Evening solitude

The walk was cold and lonely,
Interesting, I don't know, but this feeling always awaits me,
I don't need anything here or anywhere else.

Nothing, the night is waiting, I'll be invisible, I'm gone, reality flashes,
The reality was a delusion, and a deceptive blind world, a bright seduction,
My goodbyes will be eternal goodbyes. I know that there is eternal in me even then, and I will wake up somewhere else...
... And there will also be deadly desire and loneliness, which is an eternal companion...

The evening world, a nightmarish vision that embraces me and keeps me alive,
Me, to whom the world is a complete stranger, but knows everything and everyone, and there is no riddle for him,
But what's bad, I found myself. I defied fate, the reaper cut, I looked at my head, it fell, rolled, bounced further into the distance,
I laugh, my new face looks in the dark into the deep and dim distance,
And then the reaper opens a wine, fills the glasses, we toast, the wine has turned into blood in us,
Happy red tears running down my face,
The reaper smiles kindly at me, takes out the large and long package,
He unfolds it, it contains a scythe and a whetstone, and says:
Life didn't need you, you were killed by love, your love,
Don't worry, hell has stored everything about your life. Take the tool...
… and bring here all the suffering, the brokenhearted, the dying, the hopeless and the lonely…

My dear friend! Honorable Reaper! - I answer him - I happily accept the invitation, the invitation and the new life from you,
I promise that I will be a good night demon and that I will drag many souls here to the realm of hell,
Let them rejoice with us, since the suffering of their earthly life turned her into an endless euphoria of joy,
I know that here I don't need anything that gives me happiness, nothing, no pleasure,
The joy here will come naturally, and the souls who are still suffering in the earthly world will enjoy it a lot.

Suffering souls, don't give up
The hellish creatures cry bitterly over you,
We are waiting for you
There will be joy here, there will be no sorrow for earthly troubles,
After all, everything will be forgotten in that world.
And the pain there will shed flowers of joy and happiness here.