Love Poem: Echoes of a Silent Night: The Christmas Miracle of 1914

Echoes of a Silent Night: The Christmas Miracle of 1914

In a hellish nightmare pit, soldiers stand...
Along the Western Front's cruel, jagged land,
Where blood and tears paint the earth's sad lore,
They mourn their fallen with bitter taste, hearts torn.

They heeded not the cries of pain,
Nor smelled the putrid stench of death’s domain,
They bore the scourge of gas and flame,
And shunned the flying wrench, its touch a bane...

They dwelt in squalor, hearts despair,
And yearned for home and peace,
They questioned if they'd ever glimpse
A day when war would endlessly cease...

Somewhere in the darkest night on that Holy Christmas Eve…

A miracle did transpire,
A familiar tune, a sound to grieve, they heard,
A carol 'cross the bloodied wire,
A beautiful tenor voice arose, softly interweaved...

As Silent Night filled the air,
Their hearts, once heavy with despair,
Began to thaw, the ice to melt,
And hope, reminiscent, emerged now felt...

Memories of Christmas dinners, rich and warm,
Of sweet puddings, in homes adorned,
Laughter of friends and family, once near,
Caroling in harmonious gleeful cheer...

Charades danced by the glowing hearth,
In homes once filled with festive mirth.
Ached in their hearts, a poignant sting,
Friendship, like fragile buds, began to spring...

They saw candles in the windows, flickering,
A beacon of hope somewhere in the darkest night,
A poignant reminder of Christ’s love, an enduring light,
A Biblical testament to life's unwavering delight...

Released from hellish trenches, they ventured about,
With hearts so weary, steeped and dreary,
Shared tales of lands so distant, and grand,
And secrets that they'd kept, the Promised Land...

They kicked a lively, game of ball
With caps and coats as posts
They laughed and joked and grinned and cheered
And sensed a joy in their counterparts...

Yet in quiet moments 'neath the stars,
They yearned for what was lost,
A cherished face, a home embraced,
A dream to soothe the frost...

But some were wary of the truce,
And feared a hidden snare
They wondered if their foes were true,
Or if they should beware...

And some were guilty of the peace,
And experienced a pang of shame
They knew they had to fight again,
And kill in their country's name...

Orders came, quashing brief repose,
A tender farewell, 
Tears in their eyes didst swell, 
One last endearing toast...

In their hearts, a flame nursed,
A memory of the night,
When common ground was found,
Made the world, for a moment, seemed right...

That night resembled a star, once shone
Amidst the dark and cold
The night was like a Rose of Sharon that bloomed
Amidst the snow and mold...

The conflict mirrored a beast that roared,
And sought to claim their souls,
The war was like a storm that raged,
And took its heavy toll...

The truce was like an angel's song,
A balm for wounds concealed,
The truce was like a rainbow's arc,
A promise half-revealed...

Along the Somme, the Marne, the Yser,
Where ghosts of battles lay,
On that one Holy Christmas Eve,
They heard a Hymn of peace, somewhere far away...

In the silence of the trenches, a flicker,
A memory of that sacred night,
When enemies found Holy Ground,
Where injury and war ceased their plight...

As echoes of the Carols linger, 
In blessed hearts evermore, 
A testament that in times of beastly war, 
Humanity can find, Peace, Hope, and Love, 
Forever, and ever, and evermore...

Silent, Night, Holy, Night, 
Yet for one moment, all was Calm, 
All was Bright...