Love Poem: Dying For Love

Dying For Love

What do you want from me?
I can tell you that I love you like the roots of a tree
I can tell you that I suck the water from the earth as a root. Desperate for hydration because you leave me so hungry
I can tell you that meeting you knowing you seeing you and watching you it's crucifixion
To know there's someone so like me in this world. My doppelganger my twin my flame
What do you want from me?
Is there a price tag you can put on? Love
If I could walk on the places that you've walked and know you walk there, I think your ghost alone would be enough for me
Oh but that is the stuff of obsession
I will not be obsessions ghost
If you could touch the coffee cup that I drank from I think that you would choose to stop and momentarily put your thumb on it for I know how much you love me
What is this?
 Love this thing that will not be quieted

Love is supposed to be beautiful. 
This is torment
This waking walking, speaking, talking reality of love is not some gentle go sweetly into the night
 Bring me a flower kind of love. 
This is love that demands all aspects of my body and my being to understand that I am connected to another human being
This is love the centers itself in my solar plexus and spreads out into my brain and my limbs and my fingers and my toes and I breathe in and breathe out this thing
I feel energy coming from beyond me into me and I can't stop it.
 I don't want to
This is a totally new and unfamiliar energy.
a completely earning my soul
Is this simply an obsession?
Is this unholy or unhealthy or unworthy?
 Or somehow unacceptable?
 this total submission of my soul to another soul.
 How is this even possible?