Love Poem: Dripping Candle Wax
Chris Matt Avatar
Written by: Chris Matt

Dripping Candle Wax

The candle light flickers and dances.
Seeing your body in short glances.
How do you describe perfection?
Waiting so long to show my affection. 

Passion burns like a raging fire.
A hearts deepest wants and desire.
Touching the most delicate, softest skin.
Connecting eyes, locked forever therein.

A kiss so sensual, as to satisfy all needs.
A moment that every expectation exceeds.
Savoring every second, no need for haste.
Then you wrap your legs around my waist.

All I can do is deeply breathe in the air.
At one time, two becomes joined as a pair.
Beads of sweat drip down her chest.
As her love for me is shouted and professed. 

The candles drip all night long, their hot wax.
For our love could never know a climax.
As the sun came up and began to peek through,
it lit your face, nothing in life compares to this view.

***For Frank Herrera's contest, "Erotica"***