Love Poem: Doesn'T Love Know That I'M Dying Inside
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Written by: Dominique Baptie

Doesn'T Love Know That I'M Dying Inside

Much time has passed since I last inked a page,
unlinked the chain caging my blemished heart
bleeding sorrow art upon this stage of limbo still
I clutch the air to feel, yet I feel ill of love
as she eludes the days beyond my tears that fall.
Behind this door disguised not one person knows
the decay that flows through my withering soul
as a broken hull would tardily sink a vast ship
waters of solitary time drain my veins of love,
her pain raw… 
with each rise of sun she conquers me more.
This deafening voice has silenced me with doubt
as violent bouts of crazed loneliness creep,
plundering into my life it seeps through my lips
and spits out swallowed words of stars and moons
beyond the cloud and the sun that swoon the day
I lay alone...
my heart shivering between lungs that breathe life
like a cold knife pressed against my shriveling skin.
Doesn't love know that I am dying inside,
that I hide defeat with fake acts that keep me away
from pity and pray in a faith I practice none
yet I am the one brought down to my knees 
curled as a fetus praying through tears
that wash my face with bitter taste…
I’m dying for love to find my soul,
find that place where two become whole.