Love Poem: Do You Love Me As Christ Does
Jim Pemberton Avatar
Written by: Jim Pemberton

Do You Love Me As Christ Does

Do You Love Me As Christ Does?

If you loved me the way Christ does...  
What a difference this would make!
Perhaps you could be his
Loving example…  For heaven’s sake!

Perhaps if you listened, 
and weren't so "busy" all the time.
You’d be someone who’s
 compassionate and kind.

The time we have is 
 few and far between.
It’s kind of like,
I don’t “mean anything!”

.  Will you give me another chance?
No matter the circumstance?

Thoughts and actions speak 
louder than words spoken.
May your heart yield to the 
Holy Spirit and be broken.

Thank you .  For taking
the time to listen to me.
We’ll have a long time together!
For all eternity!

By Jim Pemberton