Love Poem: Distances Curse
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Written by: Diana Vee

Distances Curse


Over our shoulders it lurks.. Its distances CURSE 
it's the enemy and it hurts 
Most people CANT make it work
I breakdown when you say goodbye 

a soft kiss on the cheek
one last embrace to last 
through the agonizing WEEKS
There's a plane waiting 

near and a ticket in hand
We look at each other
Knowingly haunting 
where we stand

HONEY  don't cry do me a favor
It's not goodbye just see ya later
Miles separate our two hearts
Distances curse  keeps us apart

Phone calls and memories
 help to pull us through
Waiting NEVER  seemed 
so long before I MET YOU

Everything is better 
when your here with ME
We don't have any
 problems  lies or jealousy 

Just smooth sailing 
communication and trust 
Distance the ONLY 
thing that comes between  US

You place your hands 
in mine and I start to cry
though my heart aches now
our love WILL survive

I walk away from YOU tears
 dropping to the ground
HAVE to pull over cuz 
I'm about to breakdown

Now it's back to being alone 
There goes my LOVE
in him is my home
I shall sit and wait patiently
CUZ there's no one on 
EARTH better for me

Until that day when one 
of us gets off that plane forever
NASTY distance will loom above
Thats ok let it... 
Because we are the DEFINITION of real LOVE