Love Poem: Discomforted By Integrity
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Written by: Gerald Dillenbeck

Discomforted By Integrity

I wonder how many parents of students
suffer from studying and teaching white nationalism
against tides of multiculturing change.

And I wonder what our school boards
and state departments of bored children and family thinkers and doers
feel about child abuse
and neglect to actively love especially wounded children
too familiar with chronic stress
disabling pathological fear,
climate anxiety
mentally unhealthy domestic anger mismanagement,
demonizing races and disintegrative mandates
against reporters of conspiring monocultural and/or monotheistic abusers
and multicultural neglect epicenters.

And I wonder how Green EcoSchools
in resilient ecovillage cooperative democratic communities
might one day mentor families better,
and healthier for individual egos,
eco-nomic and eco-logical multicultural restoring eco-design,
planting and cooperatively harvesting Future Searches
mutually investing in non-violent ego-divesting communication
of unnecessary and unhealthy monocultural mental illness
and un-historical inaccurate monotheistic unspiritual pathologies
like white nationalism.

And I wonder why
the brilliant mother and doctor
grows uncomfortable with politically correct optimization of democratic health care,
which could be ego-therapeutically recentered
for optimally robust EarthTribe empowerment outcomes
if also eco-politically centered
on ecotherapeutic political healing
of monocultural threats
and monotheistic supremacy theories
like cancerously autonomous nationalism.

And I wonder if multiculturing/polytheistic Earthism
comes in diverse colors
like white and red and blue and green and black and brown
and ultra-violet
and polycultural genders
and polyphonic classroom harmonic experiences
of WinWin loving synergetic relationships
immunizing against racist and sexist voices at home
and/or white nationalist church
for ZeroZone non-sectarian learning and sacred non-violent listening 
for ego/eco-harmonic co-mentorships.

I wonder if my dad's
and his dad's racist nationalism,
disguised as white Christian patriarchal moral entitlement,
originally intended as WinWin spiritually divine/humane integrity,
would have remained abusively within me
active and consuming as global cancer
and simulcast absence of a multiculturally intelligent boundary system,

Able to discern climate healthy GreenAllies
from race and gender patho-unlogical RedPredators,
within my own gated paternal skin
because I met, and loved at public enculturing school,
nurses and social workers
therapists and cooks and dishwashers
male and female peer leaders
black and brown and white,
Catholic and Protestant and Jewish and Muslim and Buddhist and Taoist and Hindu, and Rastafarian, and Bahai and Jain and Native American EarthWorshipers, and Agnostics and Atheists and Humanists...
more non-violent in words and dance and song,
light and breath,
natural ecology and spiritual theology naturally robust
gratitude for more than the most self-glorifying 
anti-spiritual monoculturing 
white national conspiracy unnatural theory competition
against overwhelming ancient polyculturing gospel grace
of this sacred PositivEnergy cooperating EarthPlace
inviting each multiculturing species
to mutually unitarian holiness.

I wonder why I experience communion best
when part of a nurturing fire-circle
warming starlit nights
in a robustly timeless fertile forest.

I wonder if it is not the politicization of health care
that concerns fire-circle cooperatively empowered me
more than last night's lack of sleep.
Rather it is de-politicization of wealth,
the anti-democratization of healthy subclimates
measured as long-term true relational wealth
which theoretically happens,
special case,
because of competitive Win/Lose business creation models
for economic medical care delivery
disassociated from our healthier profits
wise commitments to EarthCentric democracy,
commitment to truly holistic polypathic flowing rivers, inside as outside,
solidarity with resilient mountains
in communion, inside as outside,
preventive of pathology's absence of care, inside as outside,
regardless of pre-existing competing political conditions
and child abusive conspiracy theories.

I wonder how many parents of students
suffer from studying and teaching white nationalism
against healthy tides of multiculturing wealthy change.