Love Poem: Demon Spawn
Gavin  Williams  Avatar
Written by: Gavin Williams

Demon Spawn

You heard about the son of God
Here's a story about the Devil's lot
He spawned three males too
Dont judge before you hear the truth
These lads were innocent as a new born
So Lucifer was not happy with his spawn 
He called them gargoyles and banished them from hell
I found them sat by the wishing well
They all looked cold and scared to death
So i took them home and nursed them to health
They were funny looking creatures with wings
Short, plump with horns, cute and scary looking
The first was named Friluce, he was blind
The second was a deaf little swine
Goes by the name of Reficul, a funny little one
The third poor little devil Ecrulif was speachless dumb
They dedicated their life to protecting my famiy
From evil forces we cannot see
Witch made old Lucifer more crazy
To see his spawn as innocent and free
So thats the story of the devil's three lads
See no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil conquers the bad