Love Poem: Dead City
Matthew Lang Avatar
Written by: Matthew Lang

Dead City

Calculations of grief take stock in the supermarket pavement
midnight streets first impression to the concrete placement
black recycled oil stains painting with wires tired and lazy
contained by the curves a labyrinth never ceasing to amaze me
lights like traffic dividing and conquering political geometry
Swamping gutters that clutter to find thicker narrow cholesterol flow
her chambers revolving inconsistent choking the pollution control
grinding and teething on the construction houses like shallow holes
where the ghost engage in masquerades of timeless music searching for a soul
I once was a member of the census proudly standing above the cellars below
now I cringe hidden in the chimneys  industrial disaster of the acid bath
Our hearts no longer echo off the gravity now rusted by the aftermath
tomorrow I know how sad ill look back at the present auctioned  to the past
I could of done better had I convinced my heart sooner than last
But like lovers who waited too long in the snow I over endulged arrogantly masked
Defeated and broken by the machines of the cold driven under by the murderous frost
In a dead city buried alive haunting  progress unforgiven like always and completely lost