Love Poem: Dangerous Dalliance
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Written by: John Anderson

Dangerous Dalliance

Our love forbidden, hidden, went awry.
A dangerous dalliance we did try.
With whispered words, we took the chance,
To steal a moment's forbidden romance.

But, danger lurked in every glance,
At first the dare enthralled the dance.
But, the scared glances took their toll,
Denying our love the depth of an attentive soul.

The flames of furtive passion, soon grew cold,
Leaving our love a story untold.
For the dangerous dalliance on shifting sand,
Became a fleeting rushed night's stand.

We parted friends destined to dalliance
With distant furtive smile and glance
All that remained of our risky game
Fueled by passion, but without a flame.