Love Poem: Dance of Graves
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Written by: Sally Eslinger

Dance of Graves

Dance of Graves

The dance of graves occurs more than we are prompted to imagine.  We prefer to keep matters of death fit into that realm of Afterlife, where the divine mysteries are kept far beyond our daily lives, which are too full  with concerns about budgets, health, and childcare.

we tend the grown vines
ripe with this day’s poems 
holy calls to harvest

From the wedding vows to love devoutly unto death, our greater spirits adopt God’s greatest gift — Love, which our hearts compassionately open to each other.  The passing years deepen the enfolding love, but being far outside perfection, we will inevitably hurt, will  in turns lash out, scarring the shell of our  spouse’s heart or thoughts.

deep in the cold earth
gold runs in cloaked gleaming veins
sought by yearning hearts

The graveyard has spaced its sloping, green mounds to embrace
our beloved dead, who humbly uttered their vows with hopes of forever feeling the touch, the closeness, and the eternal presence of that endeared mate.  But, as lives survive and pass on, marriages, too, will last and end. Th one who remains may, perhaps, go on in a new marriage…So very well does Heaven hold the last cries of those beloveed who’ve passed on.

three mounds side by side
dance their love story
the grasps of loving passed on